and so,
the weekends are FINALLY here.
thank goodness work's out for me this weekend.
have lots of school work to catch up!
i shall start on the animal picture book later.
i shall,
i must,
and i will.
school has been so much better with these girls.
which also means,
my fellow ostriches.

emm, me, xinyi, cs
they are friends who really made school a whole lot better for me.
we're gonna wear the clothes that we bought online on monday!
there will be no more tutorials on friday.
which means,
no more classes for me on thurs and fri!
really looking forward for the holidays.
1. pending genting trip with CS and emm and hopefully xinyi.
2. butter factory with CS
3. powerhouse with laopo.
4. dee promised to club with me.
5.club with coussie charmaine.
6. work with tanjinmay, hopefully. :D
7. meet up with adeline neo!
8. bring adeline neo to club after 29th march.
9. KE outing/ chalet.
10.hunt for a cake for beryl low wei ting.
11. wild wild wet weekly routine with dee?
12. miss u cafe for post-valentines celebration!
13. meet up with sec school friends before vernon and ivan goes botak!
14. stayovers again?
15. and the list goes on.
oh yes.
coussie and i are up to something exciting tomorrow.
can't wait can't wait!
will blog about it if it's successful.
today is the 23rd.
which means,
it's our 51th month anniversary.
which also means 4 years and 3 months.
yes cousin,
don't get a shock.
it's true.

and anyway,
we were listening to bad romance by lady gaga.
because i'm obsessed with that song.
i forced him to listen to it with me.
and he finally got so extremely irritated,
he switched it to the radio.
and guess what song came out?
i'm in an extremely positive mood today.
we were listening to bad romance by lady gaga.
because i'm obsessed with that song.
i forced him to listen to it with me.
and he finally got so extremely irritated,
he switched it to the radio.
and guess what song came out?
i'm in an extremely positive mood today.
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