we sat side by side in the morning light,
and looked at the future together.

it's simple things in life that makes you smile.
but yet,
life is never simple.
it's great to be a child.
to remain in a child's world,
whereby things are so innocent and naive.
to think,
that i'm suppose to be teaching them.
but yet,
i learnt alot from them.
children don't hide their feelings.
they like you,
they'll express it.
they dislike you,
and they'll tell you that they don't like you.
my weekly attachment,
though boring at times,
is heart warming.
i've forgotten how a hug feels like,
and how a simple kiss on the cheek melts my heart.
but these children made me feel loved.
they make me feel that my prescence is appreciated.
it's really sweet,
even though it's just a simple act.
it's the simplest things in life that makes you smile.
it's absurd to think,
how we can tell friends / boyfriends/ girlfriends how much we love them,
and shower them with so much care, concern and love.
and huge hugs and kisses.
but yet,
we don't do those to our own families.
our parents, siblings, etc.
ridiculous isn't it?
when the world turns it's back against you,
the one who will be there,
is your mummy, daddy, siblings.
i used to think i'll last forever with my boy.
but i was wrong.
it didn't last.
this clearly shows,
that nothing is forever.
only blood relations remain.
actually i got no idea what the hell i'm talking about.
but yah.
i'm gonna tell mummy i love her.
i'm gonna tell daddy i love him.
i'm gonna tell tingy i love her.
i'm gonna hug them all,
and kiss them.
before it becomes something,
that i'll regret not doing in my life.
to readers of my blog,
do the same too.
before it's too late.
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