i've got tons of things to blog about.
shall start off with the language arts project on monday.
joleen, chantel and qihui came to my home.
sad for them,
they have to travel all the way to tampines.
oh well,
their homes are not accessible for project work.
my home. (:
to cut the long story short,
i felt like a street directory.
they were sms-ing me,
asking me which bus to take,
how long is the journey,
and when i finally met up with them,
they looked so blur and lost lah.
especially qi hui.
bought art materials from popular,
and walked to my home.
they agreed that my home environment is peaceful and quiet.
showed them my baby photos,
played piano,
and ta-dah!
and our lollipops!
guess which lollipop is done by me?
*hint: it's the only one done with coloured pencil. *
after that,
they went for dinner,
while i went to school for KE
kinda dumb to travel all the way there just for one hour.
but yah,
cannot pangseh my LAO PO,
and my duet partners.
my piece with kenrick kena critique.
and i kept laughing throughout.
i think i was overly high that day.
after that subway-ed with tiffany,
and the subway guy there was obviously trying to seduce her!
damn damn funny
you should see the way he talk,
and look at her
p.s. cheng fu, i bring you go whack him!
really lah!
he was like bio-ing her whenever he walked passed,
and we changed seat
really very funny!
then she disturb me,
so i told her i go get his number from him uh!
then she keep quiet.
she's super cute luhhhhhh.
okay okay
shall stop sounding so lesbian-ish.
rewind the time,
back to saturday.
went to the zoo with BENJAMIN KWA ZHI QIAN the dummy.
met at 9 plus at choa chu kang.
took bus to the zoo.
i sent him a damn dumb sms,
asking if the bus to take is 972, 927, 907 or 902.
actually it's 927.
reached there,
and was hesitating to go in or to go somewhere else,
as it looks like it's gonna rain.
eventually went in.
took pictures at the entrance.
and the person said:
" don't be shy, stand closer"
went to watch an animal show.
i think the first one we watched was some with animals sliding down the rope?
i don't know how to describe.
after that,
we went to watch the show with penguins and sea-lions.
then then,
the elephant show.
after that lunched at KFC
we were sitting at the children's pool there,
and watched them have so much fun.
talked about some stuff,
i can't remember what.
then then,
walked around,
and he made me walk into this enclosed area with flying butterflies here and there!
and bats and snails and whatever not.
i nearly fainted lah!
i think he had a fun time laughing at my reactions lor!
oh yah,
and did i mention.
he LIED to me when we first stepped into the zoo.
we're looking at the aquarium thingy,
and and,
there's this weird looking tortoise
he asked me if it's real or fake,
then i said it's fake
p.s. it didn't move at all lah!
then then,
he was like:
"so clever"
and after staring at it awhile more,
it moved
i GLARED at him,
and he said i dumb
wah lao!
how can!
i really thought it's some statue lor.
and throughout the day,
he kept telling me,
"eh, this one real or fake? "
idiot eh!
and then at some reptile place,
there was this weird thing on a branch.
i know it belonged to the lizard family,
but i'm not sure what it is.
he said: eh this one, fake one.
i believed
then then,
after walking a few steps away,
that thing moved.
me: wah lao! you bluff me
he: you really dumb dumb eh.
so that was how he entertained himself the whole day okay!
taking advantage of my umm,
not so clever-ness
after that,
we went to the snake section,
and sat there and talk for one whole hour.
he talked alot of sense
and i felt enlightened
went for ice-cream.
ben and jerrys. (:
ordered mix and match.
he said he trusted my taste.
so i chose the flavours.
after that bused to choa chu kang,
and took another bus to cathay.
bought movie tickets for the coffin.
and walked from plaza sing to ngee ann city.
kinda far,
but i didn't die.
there were pretty lights along the way.
after that took bus back to cathay,
watched the movie.
and and AND,
i'm never ever gonna watch another horror movie with him!
because he kept laughing at my reaction!
idiot lah
i merely covered my ears as i was afraid that the sound would be very loud
then he kept laughing!
i bet i look retarded
and did i mention,
he look at ALL my pictures inside my camera
faint lah!
within a day,
my reputation is GONE
bused home after that.
i had a fun day
but i believe he had more fun,
because he disturb me until he high
i forgot about the pictures.
here are the pictures!
but i don't care
he has the same colour combi as the zebra
oh yah,
i forgot to mention that we bought the pictures.
at the entrance.
we don't look like we're going to the zoo right?
with the long sleeves,
i think we look like we're going to snow city
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