okay people..
the second interview results are out already.guess what?
i got in!!!!!!!!!!!!!
heard from shanker that they eliminated 200++ people for those who have background.
i felt so so so lucky to have even got pass the first round interview.
so yesterday i went there with charmaine jie jie,
met her friend,
so both of us practiced in the room first.
after awhile,
the room started to get really cold.
and to prevent our fingers from stiffing,
we went out.
blah blah blah.
then interview time,
it's like..
10 others sitting there?
plus the instructor and seniors.
damn stressed luh
manqin was the first one.
i was second.
and there's this weird girl...
she wore a pink blouse and a white skirt.
and pink sandals,
with with with!! glass heel..........
it's like so off!
i remember seeing that at toys'r'us lor.
and she played sonatina album,
which was....
grades 3-5
cannot make it luh.
every one else was grade 7/8/diploma?
i shall stop being evil.
quite happy i got through though(:
as in, very happy!
i can't believe they chose me as one of the few out of 200++ people.
great thanks to people who gave me support,
or well wishes.
thanks thanks to hippoMAY, ellene, xueqian the dummy, qihui and the girls, shanker, eileen, mummy and tingie pig and of course,
she even got me a lucky charm.
so sweet of her huh?
i'm happy today!
later meeting xueqian the dummy(:
oh yah,
today went to school for volleyball only.
lesson was cancelled.
volleyball is so fun,
but i seriously don't have the strength to throw the ball so far luh!
and and AND,
some idiot threw the ball so hard from the other side.......
hit *some* part of me!!!!!!!!
it hurts so badly!!!!
i'm so gonna kick his ass if i ever ever EVER find out who did that
i'm so gonna kick his ass if i ever ever EVER find out who did that
well, i'm in a good mood today.
so i shall not be bothered.

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