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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

today met michelle to go for our immunisation jab
it hurts more than the blood test thingy
hopefully don't have to go for the second and third one
early childhood, why are you so troublesome?
i hate injections
it bloody well hurts and freak people out
at least the doctor is nice
anyway, after that we went down to NP
bought her laptop
then went to the canteen to eat
as silly as we are,
after we finished eating,
we did'nt know if we're suppose to clear the plates by ourselves
so, we decided to wait to see if the people there clear the trays after eating or not
in the end, nobody seems to be leaving
so i called my cousin for help
i asked, "are we suppose to clear the trays after eating?"
quite stupid actually
well, she said we can leave it there
so we left our plates there and quickly went off
after that we took a bus, and it broke down somehow
the door can't seem to close
weird things happen when we go out
well, went to her place
put down her stuff
then we went shopping at tampines
manage to buy a laptop casing each
and a mango top each
after that went to the pasar malam, in hope of finding some stuff
but to no avail
in the end went home
and here i am, talking to may
i missed her):

btw, happy birthday joanne!

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