tags replied :
JM : yes. you're silly. and you know that. :P
Ghost : yup. hope everything's okay for you too! AND, you didn't tell me how did the apology went.
Evelyn : Hi evelyn. (: HAHA.
Xueryl: i was just thinking of you this morning, then i saw your tag. haha. misses too!
i had KE yesterday.
baby accompanied me during the afternoon.
practice was fine.
the highlight of the day was squeezing into miss ann's car,
and then,
while we're on our way to the highway,
this lady driver,
drove towards our direction!
all of us got a shock!
we've got no idea how she actually passed her driving license.
her car was literally in front of us,
facing us!
damn scary at first.
then we realised that it was funny.
burger king at east point with laopo.
then homed.
baby has camp.
till thursday.
the previous week passed really quickly.
and i went to sell chocolates at feng shan primary school.
i tell you,
i nearly committed suicide.
every single kid there called me "aunty"
and i have to respond to that word!
it's a kind of physical and mental torture you know?!
18 years old,
and being deemed fit as an AUNTY.
how terrible can that be?
it just went on the whole day,
that for a moment,
i believed that i was an aunty!
work at berrylite on thurs, and sun.
everytime i do opening with jolene,
something not very plesant will happen.
the first time i worked with her in the morning,
the small machine spoilt.
the yogurt is unable to freeze.
and on sunday when i worked with her,
the big maching leaked.
causing the whole shop to be sticky.
it was so sticky,
that my shoes were stuck to the floor when i tried to walk away from where i was standing.
super funny lah!
it was crisis day on sunday.
everything just went the wrong way.
work was fine.
i'm beginning to accept the fact that fruits have to be cut into small little pieces.
when i first cut watermelon,
i swear that it was the worse fruit ever,
cos it's so heavy!
i was told to cut mangoes.
i swear that the mangoes are the most terrible fruit ever.
cos it's so slippery,
it keeps sliding off the glove,
and there's a stupid seed in the middle.
it's just a damn stupid fruit.
i thought cutting an over-riped mango is bad enough.
but cutting an under-ripe mango is worse.
it just gets worse at work.
and then,
when i'm determined that i hate mangoes,
i was told to cut the pomegranate.
from that moment onwards,
i decided that no fruit can be worse than that.
you know why?
i've never seen or eaten a pomegranate before.
in order to cut it,
we must cut it in half.
and then pluck out the little saps one by one.
it requires tons of patience,
and effort!
because if we pluck it too hardly,
it will burst.
and the juice will start flying everywhere.
and yet if we don't use enough force,
how terrible is this?
my conclusion is,
the pomegranate is officially my hatest fruit.
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