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Friday, February 20, 2009

i can't be bothered to entertain childish people.
i've been working these days at my uncle's office.
my job is to file things up.
easy job.
the funniest thing is,
i'm working together with my dad.
how weird!
then we'll have lunch together at the canteen.
or else he'll drive me out to changi village to eat yummy food.
really very funny.
and he'll tell EVERYONE that i'm his daughter.
that includes the cleaning aunty who clear plates,
and the stall vendors.
seems like he's proud to have a daughter like me.
oh well.
i don't know how to explain this feeling.
but it's just,
so heart warming.
and he'll buy tidbits for me before we go to work together.
and after work,
we'll have dinner.
and while eating,
we'll talk alot of nonsense.
it's damn funny.
oh well.
my fingers are in a terrible condition now.
the skin was already peeling.
and plus,
the paper cuts from all the filing.
oh no.
met xq just now.
he got a shock to see me standing at the lift lobby.
had ice-cream and he brought my attention to this guy.
oh well.
that guy was very normal,
or in fact,
his tummy is HUGE.
it's like,
all he has to do is to wear a dress,
and he'll be deemed as a pregnant lady.
after that he cycled me home.
there's exams tomorrow
after that i'm going to escape with the girls!
i've yet to blog about valentines day.
maybe i'll blog about it tmr or sun.
i won't care about those negative comments.
because i know that they are meant to put me down.
my friends are enough.
thanks everyone.

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